Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meeting Agenda: February 23rd

D-Y Leo Club
L eadership E xperience O pportunity

- Brewster Animal Shelter Service Day
.........- Communication mess-up
.........- Felicia the deaf dog
.........- It was awesome
.........- THANK YOU TASHA!
.........- Let's do it again!
Upcoming Events:
- Eye and Ear Screenings: March 29th - 31st
New Club T-Shirts:
- Check-in with B-Y Lions
Bake Sale Fundraisers:
- Funds to support Haitian survivors
- Events/locations to hold bake sales:
.........- Food stores
.........- Upcoming DY Events: Battle of the Bands, the play etc.
.........- Pick multiple dates between now and April
Eye and Ear Screenings:
- Dates: March 29th - 31st
- Sophmores and juniors screened
- Connecting with a local eye doctor
.........- Discount on glasses for students screened at DY?
- Start scheduling and making passes
- Pick dates for committee to meet after school during March
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 9th