Friday, December 19, 2008

February 24, 2009
2:15pm in room 512

Important Dates-

-Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 10th

Leo Club acronym:

L eadership
E xperience
O pportunity

Eye and Ear Screenings-
March 16th, 17th, 18th:
Next meeting we will form a sub-committee to handle all of the logistics of this BIG event such as filling out forms and getting a database of kids together. The dates for the Screenings are: March 16, 17, 18

No Prom for the Homeless-
May 8, 2009 7-11:30pm:
This year, instead of running the Spring Break Social at D-Y we are going to help out the D-Y, Harwich, Chatham and CCA Human Right's Groups in the planning of their dance at the Chatham Community Center. We donated funds our funds from the Spring Break Social to this event two years ago when it benefited aid efforts in Darfur, Sudan. This year, we will continue our support of the Human Rights Groups by gathering funds, working the dance and promoting the event. If anyone has any ideas regarding how to raise funds etc. bring your ideas up in a meeting. The Dance as it stands now will have a moon-bounce, cash grab, DJ, rock band, super smash brothers, guitar hero, a velco wall, an obstacle course and texas hold 'em. The whole idea of the dance is that high school students (not just Juniors and Seniors) could attend this dance for the $20 ticket charge, and make an additional donation to this non-profit organization as an alternative to spending hundreds of dollars on a prom ticket, tux and dress. However, going to No Prom for the Homeless in no way means that you can't or shouldn't go to your Prom, it's just the novel idea of the event. Talk it up and promote this dance, it's a really good opportunity for us to aid the homeless shelters here on Cape (something we've already been doing this winter) while meeting other kids from high schools across the Cape. A lot of people went to the last No Prom and it turned out to be a huge success, this one should be no different.

Events for the year:
● Eye and Ear Screenings- March 16, 17, 18
● Thirwood Service for Winter
● Volunteer at Cape Covenant Church's Homeless Shelter Nights
● Tutor/mentor kids at the elementary schools
● Collaborative effort with Interact and Key Clubs at D-Y
● Salvation Army kitchen opportunities throughout the year
● No Prom for the Homeless- May 8
● Tasha- possibly volunteer at Animal Shelter
● Weekly raffles at sales both in cafeteria for fundraising

New members- get forms signed and $10 for t-shirt

** Join our Facebook group: D-Y LEO Club- reminders sent to members before every meeting and event, as well as a list of upcoming events

**Check out the D-Y LEO Club website as well:

Attendance policy Reminder-

● Each member is allowed 5 excused absences, as well as 2 unexcused absences for the entire year. In addition, each member is allowed to miss 1 event for the entire year. If the number of absences in anyone of these areas exceeds the set limit, the member will be required to attend an attendance hearing.
* In order to have an absence be counted as excused, you need to give me a note saying why you weren’t at the meeting by the end of the following day.

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