Saturday, November 7, 2009

Meeting Agenda: November 24th

D-Y Leo Club
L eadership E xperience O pporunity
- Lions Club Meeting (11/02/09)
- Brewster Animal Shelter (11/21/09)
Upcoming Events:
- SAE Holiday Fair (Sat. 12/05/09)
Andrea Holden Road Race:
- We have been informed that the race does not need additional help anymore, therefore we will not be volunteering this weekend.
Station Avenue Holiday Fair:
- DATE: Sat. 12/05/09
- TIME: 10am 2pm
- LOCATION: Station Avenue Elementary
- Wrapping gifts in the gift shop, and running a craft in the craft fair
- Any ideas for a craft?
- Ornament-making (pinecone ornaments, candy cane reindeer etc.)
- Sub-Committee Leader: ?
- Committee meeting one day after school before Fair
Career Day Committe:
- One member serve as a representative from Leo Club
DI Appraising Opportunity:
-Mr. Hansen
-Participants: Ashley Hallman, Paul Govoni
New Club T-Shirts:
- Come-up with designs for our next meeting
- Color, price, names on the back?
- Pay for them before we order
- Vote for t-shirt designs at next meeting
Fundraising Ideas:
- Raffle at sales booth during lunches
- Event (dance, show etc.)
- Selling something (bake sale, DY apparel etc.)
-Other ideas?
- Show:
- At Carlton Hall or Senior Center
- DY Bands
- New Year's Show or Mid-January Show
- Sub Committe Leader: Ashley Hallman
- Bake Sales:
- Selling food and drinks at events at D-Y
- Concerts
- Sports Games
- Supporting group gets half of profits?
- Raffle at Sales Booth once a month
Service Project Challenge:
- Each Leo member come up with a service project before the end of the school year?
- Ideas:
- Ashley Hallman: Nursing Homes; spending time with senior citizens
- Shianne Grace: Nursing Homes; playing board games, projects
- Thirwood, Windsor
- Vote on t-shirt design
- Plan-out Holiday Fair Craft
- Sign-ups for holiday fair
- Set-up meeting for Holiday Fair sub-committee
- Talk about show, get sub-committee started, pick out a date
- Start talking to nursing homes to get new service projects started
- Talk about new service opportunities
- Start thinking about Eye and Ear Screenings
- New member forms and online version

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