Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Meeting Agenda: December 15th

D-Y Leo Club
eadership E xperience O pporunity
- Station Avenue Holiday Fair (12/05/09)
Upcoming Events:
- Winter Show (Date: TBA)
New Club T-Shirts:
- Vote on a design
- Color, price, names on the back?
- Pay for them before we order?
- Sub-committee leader: Ashley Hallman
- Get started: When, where, promotion etc.
Windsor and Thirwood Volunteering:
- Sub-committee leader: Shianne Grace?
- Get started: When, what activities to do, contact places
Brewster Animal Shelter:
- Great service opportunity
- Volunteer again this month?
Fundraising Ideas:
- Raffle at sales booth during lunches
- Event (dance, show etc.)
- Selling something (bake sale, DY apparel etc.)
- Other ideas? 3-minute Brainstorm Session
- Show:
......- At Carlton Hall or Senior Center
......- DY Bands
......- New Year's Show or Mid-January Show
......- Sub Committe Leader: Ashley Hallman
- Bake Sales:
......- Selling food and drinks at events at D-Y
......- Concerts
......- Sports Games
......- Supporting group gets half of profits?
......- Raffle at Sales Booth once a month
Service Project Challenge:
- Each Leo member come up with a service project before the end of the school year
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 12th
H A P P Y H O L I D A Y S ! !