Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meeting Agenda: January 19th

D-Y Leo Club
L eadership E xperience O pportunity
- Our year thus far
- We are the best, basically
Upcoming Events:
- Windsor Service
- Brewster Animal Shelter
- Food Not Bombs: Saturday, January 30th
New Club T-Shirts:
- Lions Club donation
- If not, do we still want them?
Windsor Volunteering:
- Date: TBA
- Sub-committee leader: Tasha Sporborg
- If not at Windsor, what about Thirwood?
- Possible Activities: (board games, puzzles, card games)
- Who's interested? - Sign Up's
Brewster Animal Shelter:
- Date: TBA
- Sub-committee leader: Tasha
- Sign Up's
Food Not Bombs:
- Saturday, January 30th
- Salvation Army with Taryn Williams
- Sign Up's
Winter Concert:
- Are we still interested?
- Sub-committee leader: Ashley Hallman
- When? etc.
Eye and Ear Screenings:
- Date(s)?
- Sophmores screened this year, not juniors
- Form a sub-committee - Who's interested?
.........- Begin scheduling
.........- Making passes for each sophmore
.........- Strategies for better organization this year
Other Ideas?
- Other Causes/Service Opportunities
..........- Food/clothing/supplies Drive
..........- Relief in Haiti
..........- Homlessness on Cape
..........- Service to our School and School Community
..........- Helping out other clubs at DY
..........- Joint-project with Key Club and Interact
..........- Any other local or global causes
- Club Fundraisers
- Doing something awesome before the end of the year = a definite!
Next Meeting: Tuesday, January 26th